Who Should Consider BRCA Testing?

Who Should Consider BRCA Testing?

  BRCA-Related Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer syndrome is a hereditary cancer syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It results in increased risk for breast, ovarian, prostate, and pancreatic cancers and possibly melanoma. Experts believe...
The Genetics of Pancreatic Cancer

The Genetics of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is relatively uncommon, with a lifetime risk of ~1.5% for individuals in the United States. For the majority of pancreatic cancers, the cause is unknown and there is no known family history of the disease. In these circumstances, a cancer is...
Understanding Prostate Cancer

Understanding Prostate Cancer

While the odds are good that you know someone affected by prostate cancer, you may not know all the facts. Learn the hereditary factors, treatment methods, and some possible preventive measures. What is prostate cancer? The prostate gland is found only in men. It is...