Last week was a great reminder of the power of the consumer – namely, You. Forbes published an article about Angelina Jolie with which many of us in the hereditary cancer community took issue. Some felt the tone was a bit snarky and that the medical and scientific...
Following Angelina Jolie Pitt’s disclosure earlier this week that she recently underwent a prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, we held an impromptu Tweet chat to discuss hereditary cancer and risk management. The BRCA community has...
Ellen T. Matloff, My Gene Counsel President and CEO, was featured in Nature last week discussing how misinterpreted results of genetic testing for cancer risk can result in unnecessary surgery. This story follow’s Angelina Jolie Pitt’s disclosure that she...
Last Updated: February 5, 2019 Have you lost that lovin’ feeling after a cancer diagnosis or treatment(s)? Or perhaps you haven’t been sexually active since having prophylactic removal of your breasts, colon, ovaries, uterus, or all of the above? Well, that’s not...
It is well-known that women who carry a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at high risk to develop breast cancer (50-85% lifetime risk) and ovarian cancer (15-60% lifetime risk). Because the screening options for ovarian cancer (transvaginal ultrasound, the blood test...