You may know Sara Pirzadeh-Miller in her role as the Director of the Cancer Genetics Program at UT Southwestern (UTSW), or as the President Elect of NSGC … but do you know her as a trail blazer and champion in genetic counseling reimbursement?? I interviewed Sara...
A primary care doctor referred a 39-year-old Ashkenazi Jewish woman for genetic counseling because of a known familial BRCA2 variant. The patient was also undergoing egg retrieval for in vitro fertilization and had told her doctor she would consider pre-implantation...
BRCA-Related Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer syndrome is a hereditary cancer syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It results in increased risk for breast, ovarian, prostate, and pancreatic cancers and possibly melanoma. Experts believe...
A 35-year-old man sought out genetic counseling because his mother had a pathogenic variant in MSH6. The patient’s family history also revealed a paternal relative with pancreatic cancer which, in addition to his Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, prompted the GC to...
The endocrine system is the bodily system that regulates our metabolism, growth and development, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, and more. Glands that produce hormones and regulate these functions include: Pineal gland Pituitary gland Thyroid Thymus...