This is the eleventh installment in our series, “Trailblazing Genetic Counselors,” in which we highlight genetic counselors who are pioneers in the field. Genetic counselors are health professionals with specialized graduate degrees and experience in the areas of...
To celebrate National Book Lovers Day, which takes place each year on August 9, we asked our genetics community to share their favorite genetic or healthcare-related books. Check out all the book recommendations below! There are so many good ones! Right now, I'm...
This is the tenth installment in our series, “Trailblazing Genetic Counselors”, in which we highlight genetic counselors who are pioneers in the field. Genetic counselors are health professionals with specialized graduate degrees and experience in the areas of medical...
This is the ninth installment in our series, “Trailblazing Genetic Counselors”, in which we highlight genetic counselors who are pioneers in the field. Genetic counselors are health professionals with specialized graduate degrees and experience in the areas of medical...
This is the eighth installment in our series, “Trailblazing Genetic Counselors”, in which we highlight genetic counselors who are pioneers in the field. Genetic counselors are health professionals with specialized graduate degrees and experience in the areas of...