Direct-to-consumer (DTC) testing is exactly what the name implies: a test sold directly to the consumer, without the help of a healthcare professional. You can pick up a kit online, at the drugstore, or even at the dollar store (!) that you can use to determine if you...
DNA saved the day this week, bringing the long sought-after Golden State Killer to justice. After decades of evading arrest, the serial murderer and rapist was tracked down through genealogy testing. Genetic victory, right? So why my insomnia? Lying in bed, my...
The DTC genetic testing revolution is here. More than 12 million people have had testing via an at-home spit kit and the numbers are skyrocketing. People have their own raw genetic data in hand, are curious, and are searching for answers in their DNA. It is safe to...
Last week was a great reminder of the power of the consumer – namely, You. Forbes published an article about Angelina Jolie with which many of us in the hereditary cancer community took issue. Some felt the tone was a bit snarky and that the medical and scientific...