Paired tumor/germline testing is far from standard practice in cancer care, but some experts in the field are advocating that when patients have their tumors genomically profiled to determine precision medicine options, that is an opportunity to also evaluate them for...
It’s been five years since Angelina Jolie announced to the world she carries a BRCA1 mutation and had a prophylactic double mastectomy to lower her risks of developing breast cancer. Below genetic counselors reflect on the impact she has made by sharing her...
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) provides guidelines to help determine who should have genetic testing for hereditary cancers and how individuals should be followed after testing. They recently published updates to these guidelines that we’ve...
It’s been three years since Angelina Jolie announced to the world she carries a BRCA1 mutation and had a prophylactic double mastectomy to lower her risks of developing breast cancer. Below genetic counselors reflect on the impact she has made by sharing her...
A controversy has been brewing under the surface for several months in the genetic testing world. Namely, will BRCA carriers with ovarian cancer be forced to undergo BRCA testing a second time, at more than $4,000 a pop, in order to qualify for a new drug called...