Do Your Genes Place You at High Risk for COVID-19?

Do Your Genes Place You at High Risk for COVID-19?

In the last six months, the world has learned that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, more commonly known as COVID-19, is contagious, can be deadly, and has become a global pandemic. As of today, more than 8.2 million people have tested positive, and more than 445,000 have died...

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Missed Mutations Highlight Somatic, Germline Test Difference

Missed Mutations Highlight Somatic, Germline Test Difference

A patient with Cowden syndrome developed a neuroendocrine tumor. Cowden syndrome is a hereditary condition that causes non-cancerous tumor-like growths in the skin and mucous membranes. It can also increase the risk for certain cancers, such as melanoma, breast,...

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Patient with BRCA1 VUS Has Prophylactic Surgery

Patient with BRCA1 VUS Has Prophylactic Surgery

A woman in her 40s visited a general surgeon for non-cancer related reasons and was assessed for her hereditary risk for cancer. The patient did not have a personal history of cancer, but her mother, who is in her 60s, had recently been diagnosed with...

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Confusion Over Colon Cancer Syndromes Leads to Wrong Testing

Confusion Over Colon Cancer Syndromes Leads to Wrong Testing

During a visit with a new primary care physician, a 45-year-old man told his doctor that he had a family history of cancer and Lynch syndrome, a hereditary condition that increases the risk for colon, uterine, and other cancers. He also recounted that he had tested...

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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: The Epigenetics of Aging

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: The Epigenetics of Aging

A few months ago, I received an email from a company called Chronomics that tests for epigenetic changes in your DNA. I'm still a bit scarred from my personal direct-to-consumer testing experience, so I was initially reluctant to explore yet another genetic test. But...

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